Bullish Outlook Projected for Bursa Malaysia with Stable US Interest Rates and Strengthening Chinese Economy, As Foreseen By Datuk Dr. Nazri Khan

As Seen On: NST Online, Berita Harian, & Bernama

Financial market observers are trained to anticipate the unexpected, driven by global winds, and, most importantly, strive for optimum returns amidst market volatility. With this in mind, prominent economist and fund manager, Datuk Dr. Nazri Khan, duly noted the current favorable market outlook that is expected to bolster Bursa Malaysia’s performance.

Datuk Dr. Nazri Khan foresees what’s on the horizon and highlights the promising prospect of steady US interest rates coupled with an increasingly robust outlook for the Chinese economy. These optimistic forecasts are seen as encouraging signs likely to spur Bursa Malaysia to trade higher. He expressed confidence in Bursa Malaysia’s potential, stating that the key index managed to maintain above the 1,450 psychological level despite recent unpredictable movements arising from uncertainties around the US Federal Reserve’s monetary stance.

Another critical impetus for the bullish momentum is China’s proactive measures in reducing its reserve requirement ratio and the country’s above-projected economic data. It triggers encouraging echoes throughout regional markets.

For the local scene, he pointed out that Bursa’s strength can be perceived in the performance of cheaper stocks. This, combined with the production of oil companies as oil prices hold above US$90 per barrel, foretells a continuous pursuit of value stocks.

The target for the FBM KLCI rests at 1,480 and is projected to reach 1,500 by the end of the year, per Datuk Khan. That said, keep an eye out for fluctuations between the range of 1,440 and 1,460 for the upcoming week, as projected by Thong Pak Leng, Vice President Equity Research of Rakuten Trade Sdn Bhd.

With sophisticated investment strategies and keen eyes on market changes, pioneers like Datuk Dr. Nazri Khan and Thong Pak Leng continue to lead investors through Malaysia’s dynamic and vibrant capital market. Stay tuned for more insightful market updates for a seamless journey in maximising your wealth prospects.

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Buku Dato' Dr. Nazri Khan


Pra-tempah buku Autopilot Millionaire sekarang. 
